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Top 5 myths about Bluetooth.

Everyone use Bluetooth in their life. It is a very good invention but there are some myths about Bluetooth. Today we talk about this myths and the truth behind this myths.

At past time we use Bluetooth to connect two device for transfering data but when we deleted 3.5 mm headphone jack from mobiles we use Bluetooth for connecting headphone to moblies and smart appliances or speakers also connect with the help of Bluetooth.

5 myths about Bluetooth-

1. Battery drainage- First myth about Bluetooth is that we open Bluetooth in mobile they drain the battery of the mobile. But is it not true it is possible in old Bluetooth standard but at the time we use modern Bluetooth standards they drain the battery at negilibile when we use Bluetooth at in ideal mode.

2. Discoverable is unsafe at public places- Second myth is that if we in public place that we use Bluetooth at undiscoverable mode so we are safe from hackers. Means hackers cannot scan over device and can't send malware files but it is not true if Bluetooth is on that is discoverable or undiscoverable an bad intention person easily send malware files. Behind this problem there is a pin is called Bluetooth pin. Default pin is 0000 or 1234. Hacker can easily connect with your devices.

If want to protect your device to keep switch off your Bluetooth in public places.

Second point to safe to keep your password strong.

3. Bluetooth Range-  Third myth is that Bluetooth range is 10 meters but it is wrong. Some devices has own power source example laptops those range are greater than 10 meter. In some devices those range upto 100 meters. Bluetooth range different in different devices according to their specifications. But it is not standard that the range is 10 meter.

4. Radiation from Bluetooth-  It is a very big myth about Bluetooth. If we wear wireless headphones that connect with Bluetooth from our device that spread radiation due to signals but it is not true. Because the power levels of Bluetooth devices is very very low. They do not spread any radiation.

5. Bluetooth and Wifi-  Last one i.e. Bluetooth and wifi both works on 2.4GHz so if we use wifi we can't use properly Bluetooth but it is not true. Because Bluetooth uses advances frequency hoping technology in which there is complete band that switches between different channels which makes it more secure.


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